Overload List

  Name Description
Public method Join<(Of <<'(T2, TResult>)>>)(IIndexScanner<(Of <<'(T2>)>>), Func<(Of <<'(T, T2, TResult>)>>), JoinOperator)

Correlates the items of this indexed collection with the items of another indexed collection and returns the combined items with matching keys.

Implements IIndexScanner(T).Join

(Inherited from Index<(Of <(<'T>)>)>.)
Public method Join<(Of <<'(T2, TResult>)>>)(IIndexScanner<(Of <<'(T2, TKey>)>>), Func<(Of <<'(T, T2, TResult>)>>), JoinOperator)

Correlates the items of this indexed collection with the items of another indexed collection and returns the combined items with matching keys.

Implements IIndexScanner(T,TKey).Join

Public method Join<(Of <<'(T2, TResult>)>>)(IEnumerable<(Of <<'(T2>)>>), Func<(Of <<'(T2, Object>)>>), Func<(Of <<'(T, T2, TResult>)>>), JoinOperator)

Correlates the items of this indexed collection with the items of another sequence and returns the combined items with matching keys.

Implements IIndexScanner(T).Join

(Inherited from Index<(Of <(<'T>)>)>.)
Public method Join<(Of <<'(T2, TResult>)>>)(IEnumerable<(Of <<'(T2>)>>), Func<(Of <<'(T2, TKey>)>>), Func<(Of <<'(T, T2, TResult>)>>), JoinOperator)

Correlates the items of this indexed collection with the items of another sequence and returns the combined items with matching keys.

Implements IIndexScanner(T,TKey).Join

See Also